"Light" Foods

"Light" Foods

"Light" Foods

What are light foods? One will ask. Let me explain it this way if I may. I want you to stop reading this right now and go and fetch yourself a piece of fruit or vegetable. Take this piece of life and set it on the table before you. Now I want you to take a good look at it. Can you see how colourful it is, even if it is white?

Notice the way it seems to be shining and alive. It looks good doesn't it? (Hope it isn't a wilted one) Really look at it now, you may even squint your eyes some to focus on it more. You will begin to see that the light in it is the reason it is so bright and colourful. You will even begin to maybe notice a light or aura around it (everything has one) See what I am talking about? Now, as you are continuing to look at it, you may begin to feel the life that is in it as a vibration as well as a bright colour or freshness. The more you feel this life in this piece of food in front of you, the more you will become aware that it is just maybe no different from yourself. It is life, light and vibration just as you are. This life and vibration is put into your body when you eat it without cooking it.. You see the cooking takes away this light, life and vibration from this food. It kills it.
"Light" Foods
This light, and vibration courses through your body and reaches your cells to clear, rebuild and rejuvenate them into healthy vibrant beings. That is the reason these foods have been put on this planet with us. The animals know this. The next time you see an animal eating, take note in what it is eating (other than man fed). You will notice it automatically selects the greenest, juiciest plants it can find in nature. It knows the value of the life, vibration and light in what it needs for its body.
I want to relate a story to you about how Jesus responded to his followers when they begged him to teach them how to reach their Heavenly Father. Yes, this does pertain to light foods.
He responded by stating that in order to do this, they must first fast with the Angels of the Air, The Sun or Fire, The Earth and The Water to clear the Sins (Toxins) from their bodies. This they would do for one day for each year they had Sinned, or put Toxins in their bodies. When the bodies were clean, then they must Eat Foods from Gods Table. From Mother Earth. These Foods would lighten the Body and create Light in the Body so the Vibrations would become higher and faster and the body could then reach The Heavenly Father. When this was accomplished Jesus stated that they must never Sin (become Toxic) again or they would lose this higher, faster vibration.
Now you know what light foods are. Let me tell you about how they treat the body when we choose to eat them. The minute these foods are put close to our lips the body begins to respond and begins to reach for them. As the body already knows what they do for it, the body is ready to receive them. They are foods that nourish the body and assist in rebuilding the cells of the body to keep it vital and healthy. They give life and light to the body.
People that already eat these foods will already know what I speak of. At times, the saliva glands begin to react in just the anticipation of receiving these goodies. One can practically taste them before they even reach the lips, even as preparing them to eat. The body knows these foods are its sustenance, its life, and its vitality.
These foods are totally acceptable by the body as they take less digesting, and they are totally used up by the body as fuel. The body does not have to work very hard to use these foods and therefore the heart rate slows, the blood pressure falls, and the oxygen from these foods are integrated into the body and the oxygen levels improve. The body improves on the whole.
These light foods are readily accessible either from gardens or from the wild and they are not costly to acquire. I feel it is everyone's responsibility to give the body the ultimate in these vibrating, light foods we can get, each day. These foods will never let the body down if they are not cooked. Cooking these foods takes away the light, life and the vibration and they are then dead foods. The body cannot use them at all. The body cannot function for long on these heavy, lifeless foods.
Giving the body this light food, the body responds in like manner and we remain vital, healthy, vigorous and strong with the path open to your Source or Spirituality.
Wouldn't you like to be like that, the best you can be?
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Elyse Nuff is a Whol-istic Healer who works with Live raw Foods to heal the body and raise the vibrations of the body to open up the mind to the Source. She holds guided Fasts to Open Up To Source. Elyse loves working with the Live Foods to achieve and maintain vibrant health in mind, body and  soul. See more at Click here  



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