My Oily Skin Solution new

My Oily Skin Solution new

My Oily Skin Solution

My Oily Skin Solution

When it comes to oily skin, finding products to both eradicate and control the oil can be a problem. And it's an even greater problem if you don't know which options work best for oily skin. One of the most important steps to any great plan is thoroughly evaluating your skin care routine. Taking a closer look at your daily beauty ritual helps you to make sure the products you're using aren't adding to your oiliness. That's because overly abrasive and or irritating products can create the signs of oily skin even though your skin isn't truly oily.
Oily skin, unlike combination and dry skin, doesn't have many characteristics except oiliness. Someone with oily skin usually experiences shine and oiliness over their entire face. Blackheads, acne, and/or enlarged pores are also characteristics of oily skin. Another great key to knowing you have oily skin is persistent oiliness, meaning when you wipe the oil, it returns.
If your true skin type is oily, applying topical solutions will help to minimize the oil, but not cure the problem. Why? Oily skin is created through the production of natural androgens within our body. Because androgens are an innate part of you, meaning created from birth, topical solutions applied on the outside of your skin cannot change your natural DNA.
However, there are effective solutions you can use right now to minimize and control your oily skin. To begin, you must eliminate some products and/or ingredients that you may love; but in the end, it's worth it!
What to Skip >> It's important to steer clear of products and ingredients known to make oily skin worse.
That includes:
  • Thick creams, oils, and lotions (the emollients found in heavy creams and some lotions are culprits that promote oiliness. Instead, use a light liquid moisturizer or gel moisturizer.
  • Irritating ingredients such as alcohol, witch hazel, menthol, eucalyptus, mint, citrus extracts, or anything that causes a warm, tingling sensation on skin.
  • Stick foundations.
  • Bar soaps (anything in bar form is too harsh and drying for any skin type).
  • Products packaged in jars.
Essential Oil-Controlling Skincare Routine >> To get the best from your routine and control your oil, follow the steps below:
Wash. Wash your face with a water-soluble cleanser (preferably in gel form) that's gentle enough to use twice daily and rinses easily. My recommendation: A gel-based cleanser that is dye- and fragrance-free.
Tone. Toning skin isn't a step to be skipped, especially for those with oily skin. Toning skin helps to minimize oversized pores while also providing the skin with healing anti-irritants. The toner you chose should be free of alcohol, witch hazel, menthol, eucalyptus, and other irritants.
>> My Recommendation: I would recommend a light-weight, liquid moisturizing toner designed to control excessive oil production.
Exfoliate. Exfoliating skin removes the dead, thickened skin cells that lay atop skin and if you've read my other articles, you know I'm a huge fan of both BHAs and AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids). Both exfoliants allow the cells to function like healthy skin cells should while also improving collagen production. However, for those with oily skin, the use of a well-formulated BHA helps control the way the oil flows through the pore to the skin's surface. Look for a BHA in a gel or liquid form and apply once every-other-day until your skin becomes acquainted with the product. After, apply exfoliant once daily or every-other-day. Remember: Do not apply exfoliants to the upper eyelid or underneath the eye area.
Protect. Sun protection is very important for all skin types but for those with oily skin, finding a suitable sun care product can be a very tricky step. One primary rule for those with oily skin is to steer clear of lotions, thick creams, or any product with pore clogging ingredients, thus making the use of sunscreen difficult. However, there are solutions.
Look for a liquid, weightless sunscreen with an SPF of 25 or better. If makeup is a must, use a combination of liquid mattifying foundation and a pressed powder with the appropriate sunscreen ranges. The two makeup choices combined will help give you proper sun protection without the need to apply a sunscreen to the face. However, better protection equals healthier skin. If you opt to use sunscreen with your makeup, apply your makeup after you've applied your sunscreen.
>> My Recommendation: A light-weight sheer or liquid sunscreen with a matte finish.
Hydrate. When it comes to night time hydration, which may or may not be needed, look for extra-light options. Moisturizers in liquid form are great at providing antioxidants, nutrients, and natural hydration without the heaviness. Likewise, light-weight serum or gel moisturizers are also great options.
>> My Recommendation: Serums work wonderful to provide hydration without the heaviness. Look for a serum filled with antioxidants such as vitamin C, cranberry, and vitamin E.
Keep in mind: Products containing irritating ingredients cause irritation on the surface and beneath the skin promoting the pores to produce more oil, so it's crucial that you avoid them. Should oily skin become a problem during the day, use oil-blotting papers to help absorb excess oil and control shine.
Oily skin giving you trouble? Control it now with Celsaderm's C-Aloe Mist. C-Aloe Mist is a refreshingly light, tea tree-rich mist designed to target excessive oil producers beneath the skin and minimize irritation. One mist is all it takes! Try today and save 20%. Enter code TRYCALOE at checkout. Visit Click here now!

The American Pastime of Sports

The American Pastime of Sports

The American Pastime of Sports
The American Pastime of Sports
Nothing says America like it's national sport of baseball and nothing is as exciting as lacing up the cleats picking up your bat and walking out to home plate. The feel of the sun beating down on your back, the sweat in your eyes and the faint smell of dust in the air; there is no wonder that they call baseball "America's past time." As deeply rooted as baseball is to the fabric of America baseball is not the only sport that's so deeply routed into our psyche.
As American is baseball is, motor sports is equally as American. Auto racing began simultaneously with the advent of the automobile. Racing on the sand dunes of the Jersey shore to racing across the salt flats, drag racing has remained a unique American sport that has lasted for generations. Grass roots racers enjoy hot weekends under the sun wearing their own form of sport sunglasses as they tune their engines, rev their motors and take their car down the quarter mile track in a competition that creates a level of excitement unseen in any other sport. Although drag racing has seen it's fair share of time in other counties it shares a spot on the American sporting legacy that will go on for centuries to come. It's a sport that has evolved to include motorcycles, boats and even tractors! It will surely adapt to anything modern technology can throw its way!
Another uniquely American sport has been the sport of professional bowling. Popular since the 50's bowling has been the sport of the beer drinker for a very long time! Many a men would put on their shoes, grab their ball and head to the alley to show off their skills in an effort for that elusive 300. Although you can likely find a bowling ally in just about any country, it's roots belong to the good old USA!
The most common sport after baseball would have to be football. This sport eclipses baseball in gross revenue each year but had exclusively remained an American sport much to the sagtrin of the NFL and NFL Europe. Sure other countries play it but it's essentially a farm league for the NFL. You know they are wearing some cool sport sunglasses! Some may say that football has become America's past time and it has replaced baseball as a national treasure but one thing is for certain, it is an American sport and is likely to remain that way for a long time to come.
No matter what sport you enjoy the most it's undeniable as to the influence the United Stated of America has had on the sporting world. We continue to lead the way when it comes to innovative sports such as Slamball, extreme sports and ore traditional sports such as baseball and football. You can rest assured that, if it can be thrown, raced or launched someone in America will figure out a way to turn it into a sport.
Author Kim Green never participates in a sporting event without her sport sunglasses

Living The Fitness Lifestyle

Living The Fitness Lifestyle

Living The Fitness Lifestyle

Living The Fitness Lifestyle

A number of you have written me about how to approach the days when you are not working out, when you are not following a meal plan and when you are not scheduled to participate in a physical fitness event of some kind. We tend to call these "off days" or "rest days," some people even have an "off-season" and I tend to think these names are pretty appropriate. I think the major idea or concept we who engage in and live the fitness lifestyle must have is that there is never a time when our body is doing nothing. The only time your body will even come close to doing nothing is when you are dead and then it is still doing something; it's called decaying. But on a serious note, we have to get it in our minds that living fit is more than a gym workout or a series of well planned meals, it truly is a lifestyle. Media and marketing do a great job of selling products but they have also given many people an unrealistic idea of what being fit is, what it looks like and how to live fit.
Popular mindsets to avoid
So often I talk to people who engage in body building and physique competitions. These are sports that I personally love and respect. These sports are characterized by a huge number of amazing athletes and they have always had a firm place in my heart as some of my favorite personalities and friends. However, most people (but rarely the athletes) tend to place the wrong label on these people and incorrectly think of these people as the ultimate symbol of the fitness lifestyle. In the majority of cases (there are exceptions) I can tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. I lived that lifestyle for the majority of my life so I know what I'm talking about.
In my experience the majority of these people only engage in fitness lifestyle endeavors around the clock when it's time to get ready for a competition. The rest of the year many of them won't train for weeks at a time, they eat anything they please and engage in binging, literally gorging themselves with food then turn around and initiate extreme dieting practices in order to prepare for their show. In addition to this, most of the people I've known in these sports (including myself at one time) only exercise and eat "clean" at various times throughout the year during the years that they are competing.
Over time, the great fluctuations in body weight, the steroid abuse and constantly changing dietary practices take their toll. Once their lives have moved past the competition phase, most of them tend to become recreational exercisers and end up having the same physical fitness shortcomings that most other people face. While sport is a tremendous way to stay in shape and enjoy our lives we have to ensure that we create lifestyle characteristics that will remain once our days of competition have passed. I struggled with this for years and can tell you that this is a tremendous challenge for the former physique athlete.
Get To Know Yourself It's Going to be a Long Ride
Living fit (for life) is about you becoming aware of your body's fitness shortcomings and designing a lifestyle that will improve them and maintain them at a high level. It's really that simple. It's not a get ripped-up for summer then gain all the weight back in the fall type of lifestyle. Sure there are times when a fit person may decide to take some aspect of fitness and improve it considerably in order to enjoy the benefits of it, but the thing to remember is there is no stopping point.
This is a key concept that is so simple, but so absent from most people's lives. The fitness lifestyle never stops. It doesn't end when you quit playing a sport, it doesn't end when you get married and it doesn't end when you start your own business. There is no stopping point for those who live fit. Sure we all have setbacks, struggles and challenges to overcome; but we overcome them. We know that these setbacks, struggles and challenges will be overcome while living in the fitness lifestyle. In other words we do not modify our lifestyle in order to deal with issues, we deal with issues while maintaining our lifestyle. As simplistic as this sounds, I've found that this is perhaps the hardest aspect of living fit that most people deal with.
Of course there are meals, days and times when we do things that are contrary to our fitness beliefs and lives. But they are the exception, not the rule. These things are allowed into our lives as a break from the norm, as brief events that add to our lives in other ways and are worth the cost.
Some examples may be: 
  1. Eating cake with your child on their birthday - there are so many positives that come from this
  2. Having some drinks with an old friend who needs to talk - friends are priceless, this won't hurt you
  3. Enjoying cultural events by partaking in its food and drinks - many things in life can't be replaced
So you get the picture. Living fit is not about sporting six-pack abs year-round (but can include this) until you get married then adopting the beer belly. Living fit is about a lifetime of choices and actions that lead to your physical betterment as your life goes on from phase-to-phase and relationship-to-relationship. The greatest thing I love about the fitness lifestyle is that it is never too late to begin. This is an amazing concept that has changed the lives of millions, myself included, and it can do the same for you if you so choose.
I challenge you to take a long look at many of the lifestyle choices you now make and consider ways to incorporate a healthier fitness mindset into those things in order to create and build a lifestyle that will provide you with a great level of fitness from this moment forward. You can do it! Living fit is a choice and that choice is yours.
Here's to you!
Jared Meacham, MS.Ed., CSCS.
Jared is a fitness entrepreneur, personal trainer and recognized weight loss expert. He is creator of the Body Fat Meltdown weight-loss program for women. He is also owner of Precision Body Designs, LLC., and creator of the Dirty Fitness Training Program.

Italian Food Enjoyed Worldwide

Italian Food Enjoyed Worldwide

Italian Food Enjoyed Worldwide

Italian Food Enjoyed Worldwide

You do not have to travel far today if you are looking to find great Italian food to dine on, as there are hundreds of restaurants available in each major city on the planet. The Italians have set themselves up as culinary giants, when it comes to fine dining and you will have many options to choose from in regards to hot dining spots. There are several Italian restaurants that cater to specific dishes, and if you are looking for a regional specific recipe there are eateries that can be found to help you with this as well. It is difficult today to find someone that has not had at least a bit of experience with Italian cuisine, and most people that enjoy good hearty food enjoy a fine plate of spaghetti every once in a while.

Even The Smallest Eateries Know How To Please
When it comes to Italian food and the fine restaurants that offer it to customers, you can be sure that most of the fine and traditional recipes will be offered. If you are looking for something that is not common yet very traditional, you can always ask in advance of going out for the evening to see if they do special orders. Many chefs at these fine Italian restaurants will go out of their way to make something for a customer that is not frequently asked for. This is because Italian chefs are a proud bunch, and they enjoy it when they get to make something different. This allows them to step out of the common box, and practice their skills on dishes that they do not make regularly.
Experimentation Is Encouraged
When you go to a fine Italian restaurant you will find the atmosphere to be warm and very comforting. It is almost like spending time at loved ones, and you will feel a sense of family while you are dining there. The chef will enjoy cooking fine dishes for you, but you may want to keep in mind that the chef would love for you to experience the true nature of fine Italian cuisine. This will bring you to a point where the chef may suggest something that you are not familiar with, and while this could be odd or a bit scary you need to have trust in the fact that the chef only wants you to know just how wonderful Italian food really is. The chef will be able to show you this, by taking you away from the norm of the standard pasta recipes and on to something that is exciting and different.
A Great Meal At Any Cost
When you are going to dine on fine Italian cuisine, you need to be ready for some absolutely fantastic food. Each and every course that is brought out to you will be as if it was crafted solely for you and your taste buds, and you will find it difficult to not appreciate everything that you try. Take some time to try and experiment with some fantastic Italian dishes, and you will quickly find that you can get a great meal at any cost.
Anna Fiori writes Italian and general food related articles for the Good British Food website at Click here]

Self Development to Improve Yourself

Self Development to Improve Yourself

Self Development to Improve Yourself
Self Development to Improve Yourself
Self Development is a natural part of human nature. Everyone has different directions that they would like to take to achieve self development.
This will be a slow course of action to take so be prepared for the long haul. To get through this you will be required to have a lot of determination and motivation. These two strengths will make sure that your efforts of self growth will continue to prosper.
There are also a few more important factors that will help in your mission of self development. One of the primary aspects to this will be inspiration as it is a vital part of motivating your self growth. Inspiration can come in many forms that will help you grow as a person.
It can come from anywhere. Such as from a family member, a complete stranger, a book you are reading, or even your pets. Everyone has different ways to gain inspiration that suits them. You just have to find what works for you. There will be some hard times along the road to self development but don't be discouraged by these moments.
Chances are you will also get people telling you that it can't be done or you won't be good enough. These are the ones who you should pay absolutely no attention to as they will only bring you down.
Just keep on using your determination to continue driving forward past these difficult moments. You can do it! Another factor you will need to consider is setting up goals. These will assist you in finding which direction your self development will go. The two kinds you will need are short term and long term goals. They will guide you towards your self development.
Short term goals will keep your motivation and inspiration going while long term goals make you want to reach other long term goals. 
Your long term goals will also be achieved by your short term goals being completed. They will bring you closer to your self development.

Self Development
The best way to remember these goals is to write them down so you know exactly what you want to do. Separate them into short term and long term sections so you know the difference between them.
Once you have decided on the goals for yourself, use them to become the person you want to be. You can grow as an individual in your own way with these methods.
Live your life with passion!



It hasn't been long since the last day of the London fashion week, but fashion stores have already replaced their clothes with garments from the recent collections. How do we know which clothes belong to the new collections and how do we choose the ones that are most likely to be worn in the following seasons - these are the questions that bother most women, these days.
A look at the London catwalks will provide us all the information we need to buy fashionable clothes. The majority of London designers have chosen the military look for the 2010/2011 winter trends. Trench coats with double buttons and belted waist are, thus, obligatory in any woman´s closet, if they want to look stylish all the year round.
The colors that dominated this year´s fashion presentations were the earth tones: brown, mustard, tan and yellow. The makeup was either complementary or contrasting to the colors of the clothes; therefore, the majority of the models displayed natural pink or golden eye shadows and lipsticks.
'Rock star' was the keyword that dominated the entire London fashion week as the majority of the displayed items were inspired by the look of English rock singer David Bowie. T-shirts and dresses were all embellished with powerful and colorful prints representing architectural designs, flowers and pop singers. In addition, the long rebellious hairstyles of the models were in keeping with the outfits they presented.
This winter is all about midi skirts or at least this is what designers have proposed for this new season when they replaced the already famous skinny jeans with blue jeans, cotton or even satin skirts. These elegant garments were used in combination with thigh or knee high rocker boots in order to create a powerful, yet attractive contrast.
Accessories continue to play an important part in the outfits that designers introduced last week. They recommend long colorful scarves disorderly worn over the shoulders or around the neck. Big large bags were replaced with small purses that continue to be carried in one hand, instead of over the arm.
Thus, we have seen that the military and the rock or pop star look are the trends that govern this winter season. These styles can be easily achieved by purchasing any of the above mentioned garments. Thanks to the wide range of clothes and offers made by designers, you, too, can renew your wardrobe with little expenses.
Linen tops can be found in an array of colour palettes and models.

Five Ways to Make Money Online

Five Ways to Make Money Online

Five Ways  to Make Money Online
Five Ways  to Make Money Online
Money is something that rules you. Every person in this world works real hard to earn money. You wake up and start your chores and duties to earn money for your living. But how would you feel if you can earn while you sleep? Isn't it great? And if you are looking for such ways to make money with a very less effort, you are at the right place.
People try out almost everything they can to earn quick money and most of them end up in jail for dealing with unfair means, but here you will get the guide to earn money quick abiding by law. Passive Income, is what you're looking for, without much efforts, you can earn handsome amount fast. It can definitely provide you with extra income in the long run. Passive income will work as pocket money for your regular chores. But it has certain rules and the most important of all is "more is the time you dedicate, the better you will be paid". It is just an easy way to earn money without losing anything and moreover, there is no over-time required.

Let's talk about the ways to earn. There are five easy ways that we will focus today.
1. Sell Stock Photos/ Content
If you got a talent, you are definitely going to get paid. Internet is a vast world and everybody is looking out for something new, why don't you take the benefit out of this human nature. If you got some time and you have a talent, let the world see. Set an outing and start clicking pictures, or stay at home and create some amicable videos or music. Let the world know how talented you are and there are heaps of people who are ready to pay money for such content. Sell your photos, music or your videos and earn money overnight.
How It Works: Choose the online libraries that accept work of your kind and upload your photos or videos or even your music to them and let the browsers click and pay for your content. It will be even more beneficial if you remain updated to the trending list and prepare your content accordingly.
For your photos, there are various websites that can help you create great pictures with the size and graphics you want them to be.
Shutterstock: photos, video, illustrations, music 
iStock: photos, video, illustrations, audio 
Dreamstime, Fotolia, Picfair: photos 
Patternbank: fabric designs 
LINE: emoji, stickers 
Dafont, MyFonts: typography 
Envato: everything from graphics to web themes and music

2. Write An e-book
Writing is indeed a very good habit. It can not only get you money but fame as well. And to get your work published, e-book is the best source. It is believed that e-books will take over the printed books by 2018. You can start writing with any topic but if you want money seriously, search for the trending topic and start writing. You do not have to invest a single penny to get your work published, switch over to and your e-books will get sufficient exposure. In the digital format your cover speaks a lot for the buyers. So, spend as much time you can and get your cover page designed attractively. But make sure the content is also quite relevant as your book might receive genuine reviews and these reviews matter a lot.
Once you get good reviews your e-book is definitely going to get a boost and these reviews can also help you get enormous fame, encouraging you to write one after another and eventually provide you with a tremendous platform.
You can also share the link for your book over social media and let your friends know about your publication. Search for groups similar to your niche and post your Amazon link to get maximum people informed about the new release. This can help you get ultimate exposure and can help you sell your e-books far more easily.
3. Print-on-demand products
If you are a creative person, there is always something for your creativity. Create something really nice and get them printed and you are the King of the Market. From t-shirts to baby pinafores, you can give your creativity a full score. Let your products hit the market and you are on for a great customer base. It will not only boost your need for urgent money but you can make sure that you will never run out of money no matter what. There are various stores selling customized t-shirts, baby aprons, gadgets and various other gears and inspire the customers.
One of the best websites to sell your merchandise is CafePress, selling almost everything with a blank surface. You just need to sign up for a seller's or a shop account and you are good-to-go. After creating the account you just need to upload your work and pick the products you want the people to customize with your graphics, jokes, photos or your best illustrations.
People buying products within your range you are entitled to a percentage, without manufacturing any product neither shipping nor stocking anything. Moreover, if you have any friend who is a master with his creativity, introduce him to the website and get a referral fee. Isn't it a great way to earn money when you are sleeping? If you want maximum customer base go for cute or funny images or quotes to get on spotlight.
4. YouTube
Earning money through YouTube is real easy and the very first thing you need to do is start. Create a Google account and upload your videos. Make sure your videos are quite interesting and upload as frequently as possible. Monetize your YouTube channel and let the people watch the ads. Monetizing is easy with Google AdSense, just need to create an account and you are all set for collecting money. After you upload, gaining audience is the most essential task and for that you just need to share your videos and channel on social network.
You can also check Analytics and get to know more about your visitors and all other information. Moreover you can also try marketing your videos elsewhere, you can create a blog and show your videos there so that your videos get a good exposure. Once you get great views on your videos YouTube gives you an opportunity to be a YouTube partner and you are entitled to more content creation tools and can win various prizes with the increase of viewers.
Earning money through YouTube is real easy you just need to upload your videos and you can hit the jackpot. But the most important thing you need to keep in mind is your content, the video should be a good one and if possible best in its category to get maximum views. More the views, more is the cash in your pocket. People will just have to view your videos to make you rich. Isn't that quite interesting?
5. Domain Name flipping
Domain Name Flipping is one of the easiest and the best way to earn instant cash. But in this option to earn money you first need to spend a little cash. You need to buy a domain, make sure the domain you're buying is a niche and it is even better if your domain has one of the highest searched keywords or phrase. You can buy the domain you want from, and choose a hosting plan from them. Host your website and you are good to go. You can directly set the domain to auction or you can create a website and add Google AdSense and start with ways to get traffic to your site. Try to get as many traffic you can and once your website starts collecting money set it out on auction. You will definitely get very good bidding for you domain. Now, you choose the highest bidder and give him the control of your website.
You can earn good money through this process and that too quite easily. So why not move to domain name flipping and earn money when you sleep. But getting the correct domain name is the key, you need to do a little bit of research on what could be a domain to invest on.
Passive Income with the above mention techniques can definitely give you enough cash to tackle your last minute needs. There is nobody in this world who will deny money coming towards him.
Earning money is not a daunting task unless it is done the correct way. You can earn money quite easily and get yourself some extra bucks. If you have some talent, is blessed with humor, have some cute or funny pictures or a video, you are very much welcomed to earn money easily and fast. There are various people across the world who are very highly talented but do not get the required exposure to earn money so for them here is what we provided every aspect in 
details. Hope this helps you.