How Do Women Shop Online?

How Do Women Shop Online?
How Do Women Shop Online
Regardless of male or female, we just have to accept the fact that online stores have such huge alluring power. The first appropriate question to ask here is, what is behind this alluring power? Well according to consumer psychology experts, this is because online shopping doesn't make us feel like we are spending money, in fact having nothing literally come out from our pockets, receiving something via mail a few days later is just like getting Christmas present. Don't you agree? Researches by consumer associations seem to suggest that, first world country population in general are becoming more and more 'financially savvy', having to spend less of their hard earned dollars in conventional store, they turn to online stores. Should we then conclude that online shopping is therefore so tempting and successful?

Let's just hit on one of many good strategies of online marketers, which is the use of online coupons. Online coupons have over the year help popularizes some of the online stores, and this fact has been supported by many surveys. Perhaps it is not too much to pay tribute to the convenience that information super highway presents, consumers, particularly women can avoid the hectic traffics, long lines at cashiers, tiring walk down the mall and risk of being the victim of snatch crime, hence it is very appealing to so many. 

Penchant coupons offer as marketing strategy.

Not until recently, consumers' behavior of coupons use is unclear, but a recent survey by BurstMedia done on approximately 4,500 women older than18 years has revealed much. BurstMedia interviewed then about their current use of the Internet and it's relation to household purchases and whether or not they take up the coupons offer. Their findings seem to suggest, that the Internet has taken over the role of conventional shopping as the main way women fulfill shopping for household stuffs. Who can blame them? Just look at the luxury of being able to get home from a tiring day of work, fix a dinner, spend time with kids, then fill up the fridge and food closet by order the groceries online? And as for offer coupons are concerned, their usage has tripled tremendously since 2002 or currently up to 82% among online groceries shoppers.
Anyone would agree that it is ultimately easy and economic to do shopping online, according to budget, one can simply browse through a wide array of products online, select a type, quantity and size, the next thing is to simply wait the next day for the groceries to arrive at the doorstep, and for the delivery cost of $9.90 to reduce the stress of busy life, nobody will hesitate to pay. In fact, online shopping have restored the pure joy of shopping since one doesn't have to be troubled by the hassles of sales assistant and cashiers. The package arrive at your door step without you driving to and fro to shopping mall, scanning car parks, towing kids around, no irritating sales assistants and best of all, you don't need to compete with other to get the right size! The appeal?
The same research as mentioned above indicated that 70% of 18-34 year olds women use the Internet to search for information on 'how to manage household', and a new emerging term "Googling" is just an everyday thing, even to make purchase or to find information about something. And if you think that only young people use the use Google, think again, the percentage of usage among 35-54 year olds has soared up to 71%, all statistics are courtesy of BurstMedia. Internet shopping has become to mean of almost every households to meet their needs ranging from grocery shopping to purchasing travel package for family holiday. 74.1% women, or 3 out of 4 use the internet to do research about the best place to travel to, detailed information about the place and hence make airline tickets purchase and hotel reservations. And as an internet marketer yourself, do you see where coupons fit in this picture?
According to BurstMedia again, One third of women, take up coupon offers, and prior to any purchase, 62.3% of women do research and read more about the products or services they are interested in.
The appeal now is the dire need of anonymity, to have the freedom of hanging around on a website for as long as needed without being hassled or troubled by the so called 'team member'. For a website that sell something with require customer to read extensively, the absence of a pair of seemingly "watching eyes" is more appealing; and yes it is understandable that as an online marketer you want to convert traffic into dollars, but as in any business, you must not go to the extent of engaging in any sort of social discourse with visitors, let's say you own a real fashion shop, you won't want to 'assist' a visitor trying your clothes out in the fitting room don't you? And let's say you are shopping in a mall, you won't want the cashier to throw you a bunch of offer to buy extra this or extra that don't you?
At the point to reaching the cashier all you want to do is to pay and check out and enjoy what you have bought, so as the case when you are selling something online, when your customer has decided what to buy and pay for it, all they want is to pay and receive the confirmation.
Well, regardless of how online shopping has got to this point, this is a phenomenon, can will be driven further by coupons offers online. Coupon offers has been steadily luring average men and women all over the world to sit in at the comfort of their home, in front of the screen and shop their heart out.
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