How to Get Super Fit Fast

How to Get Super Fit Fast

If you are in a bad shape then obviously you have to lose weight. To lose weight you need a weight loss solution, more like, weight loss solutions as there are many ways to lose weight. Many ways that work and even more many that don't. One consequence of losing weight is getting fitter.
So here are the ways, you can use to lose weight and get super fit:

Set Goals:
Without goals you cannot (or should not) even begin to think about success in any walk of life, whether it be getting good grades or the more relevant, losing weight. You have got to set realistic goals. Goals give you energy and give you a purpose.
Fulfilling those goals gives satisfaction and happiness that we all want in our lives. Make your goals a must have rather than a should have. Don't say you should lose weight. Rather it should be, you MUST lose weight. Make strong goals and then back them up with strong will and strong consistent action.
Plan your Goals:
Setting goals is just not good enough. You have to plan your goals, down to the last inch. The more specific you are, the better. So to get super fit, I usually recommend this:
For Beginners:
20 minute walk or light jog 3 days a week meaning, do cardio on alternate days and do weight training in the days between them.
For Intermediate:
Cardio six days a week of 30 minutes each and weight training (usually biceps and chest for beginner, 2 sets and 12 reps of each part) 3 days a week to go along with your cardio.
Follow this HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine for 3 to 4 days a week:
10 minutes light jog at 50 percent of your max speed
then 7 to 10 intervals of max speed like this:
Interval 1
30 seconds of 80-90 percent max sprint, followed by 50 percent max speed for 30 seconds
Repeat this two step sequence 7 to 10 times.
Be Consistent:
You cannot lose weight or even gain muscle if you are not consistent in doing what needs to be done to lose weight. You need to consistently do work on your diet and on your body by exercising. You can expect to see a difference in yourself at least after a month of consistent action, not before.
Some of the ways you can get consistent is obviously to develop a strong will and pick yourself up on days you don't feel like exercising or eating a good diet. Tell other people about your goals. That will certainly get you up for exercise and the right diet everyday when you know that people are noticing you.
Be accountable
I am not against CHEAT DAYS but in the end it all comes down to you. If you keep on sabotaging yourself by eating your prohibited foods excessively in secret, then you are not going anywhere. You need to be honest with yourself. Take your actions day by day.
What you eat today and what you exercise today affects your body for today and what you eat and exercise tomorrow affects your body for tomorrow. So don't think that 3 days of good eating habits and exercise gives you the freedom of binging the next 3 days.
For more free advice on fitness, weight loss and much more please visit weight loss solutions
This article was originally published at how to get super fit fast



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