Making Friends at University

Making Friends at University

Making Friends at University

University is a fantastic place to meet new friends. Freshers' Week is one of the greatest times to simply go up to people and say 'Hey!' The first people you will encounter will most likely be your housemates (unless you don't live on campus), but you will also get the opportunity to make friends on your course, in a society that you join, or in part time employment. Don't think that you have to make all of your friends in the first week that you arrive, or even in your first year. Some of the greatest friends you will make, might not be the first people that you meet!
Being with a new group of people can be really exciting; you will do a lot of talking in your first day as you chat to the new people around you! The best way to make friends in Freshers week is to just be yourself; be friendly, open minded and enjoy what other people are talking about. Ask lots of questions too!

What if I commute or live off campus?
If this is you, you can still make some fantastic friends even if you live with your folks. Join some societies and meet people here, and stick around after your lectures or seminars to have a drink with your fellow students. A lot of people make great friendships through their classes and societies and this is ideal for home students. If your friends go on a night out and you want to get involved, ask if it would be alright if you kip one someones floor or sofa.
Good conversation topics
- Wear something random if you dare, like a really bright hat. People will admire you for it, and it will prove a great conversation starter!
- Hobbies. Everyone has them! Ask what people do for fun, and whether they will be joining any societies. You might find that you have something in common with one of your new friends.
- Has anyone been on a gap year? Almost always someone in your group will have done. Get them to showcase their photos and tell their stories.
- Where you come from, what you studied, what you are studying at Uni. You might find that someone from your flat is on the same course as you, or that they live near to you back home.
- Put on some low music as you unpack your stuff on the first day; someone is bound to pop their hand in who loves the same song!
What if I am shy?
If you are worrying about University because you are shy and quite quiet, don't worry. A lot of people are shy, and a lot will feel exactly the same, and it is completely normal. When it comes to meeting people in the first few days, no one will know anybody else, so you wont be the only new kid on the block.
Most people will leave their bedroom doors open when it's the first day of Freshers; do the same, even if your bedroom is covered in bags of clothes and stuff your Mum packed you. People will be walking down the corridors heading to their new room, so holler out a hello! They will be pleased you made the effort. Introduce yourself with your name; you don't have to waffle out everything about yourself straight away as if you're on Family Fortunes - "Hello my name is Chris, I'm 18 from Manchester!". Start with your name and work it from there. Just try and relax. The person you are saying hello to might come across as confident, but they might be feeling exactly the same inside!
Another great tip - put a sign on your door with your name and saying something like, "Come in and say hi, I have sweeties!'. Make sure you do have sweeties, you don't want to usher people inside under false pretenses! Get a bag of pick and mix and stick it in a bowl inside your room.
On the first day when everyone is unpacked, a few of your flatmates might gather in whatever social area there is; make sure you go along and hang to. It is a great chance to get to know everyone. Just tell them about yourself, where you come from, what you are studying. The conversation will flow with ease if there are plenty of you there. Show an interest in other people's interests; if they mention in a sentence they went sailing for example, say "Sailing, really?". As simple as repeating the word, you have contributed and they will be pleased you have expressed an interest in them, and then engage you in a nice conversation about sailing, or whatever it is you word dropped!
Did you know that at the majority of Universities, there are societies for people who consider themselves to be quiet? This is a great opportunity to meet new people who feel in the same boat as you, and you could make some great new friends! Remember that you don't have to meet everyone you are going to be friends with in the first week of term, and that the people you live with won't necessarily be the best of friends you meet at Uni; a lot of people we know that went to Uni met some of their greatest friends in the following years, either through societies or elsewhere. Don't rush it!
Someone on my floor isn't nice!
Unfortunately not everyone is going to be nice that you meet; they will either be having a bad day, or might just be like that all of the time! The best way to deal with them is just to be nice, but then move on. There are so many more lovely people you can make friends with, and if that person wasn't pleasant with you, it is likely they will be like that with everyone!
Be Confident!
A lot of people will be feeling nervous in Freshers' Week, so don't worry. The best thing you can do is be confident, even if you don't feel like it inside! People will be looking out for someone with a big smile on their face to break the ice; let that person be you! Acting like your are confident will mean that is how you come across, and before you know it you will be chatting away to a new friend! Keep a smile on your face, and you will be fine!
Keep your door open while unpacking!
Keeping your door open for the first few hours when you move in is a great idea, as new flatmates can pop their head in and say hello! After unpacking for a short while, have a wander up your corridor and say hello to people unpacking too. Maybe offer them a cup of tea or coffee! Before long you will be settling in and have some great new people to chat to.
Don't forget to enjoy yourself and the new friends you have made!
Hope you enjoyed this article! By Emma - Editor at The Freshers Book website
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