Working From Home Tips

Working From Home Tips
Working From Home Tips 
There are a lot of working from home tips written about and read online. For the most part, they are all about mothers trying to fit their busy mom schedules with work and or those who are unemployed; those who have retired and those who are in dire need of a supplemental income. I was surprised when I heard the news on television about a young online entrepreneur that, because of an incident in her life is earning millions and is making her parents proud.
Dannie started working online when she was 16 years old. She decided to leave school early because she was bullied by some of her classmates. She was advised to rest and recover from her depression and anxiety.
While she was resting, daily, she would write about her feelings and emotions. In a month's time she was able to write a hundred-page diary. She read this over and over again. She realized it was a well written diary. She decided to let her mom read it and then her whole family and then her friends.
One of her closest friends said her story should be shared for it was very beautiful, motivational and inspirational. This was the moment Dannie realized that she should come out in the open and tell the whole world about her bullying story, how she felt about it and how she stood up and moved on with her life.
Dannie opened her laptop and started searching for publishers online. She saw that there were a lot of them. She started publishing her book and then uploaded, promoted and sold it. In just less than a year, her book was bought by thousands of teenagers all over the world.
This story of Dannie is one that is very inspiring and encouraging. Her depression did not hinder her from still living and enjoying her life, she used her talent in writing and even though it was unexpected, she became one of the most well read authors online today.
If you are young, an adult or a teenager, there are so many working from home tips you can find. One of these is like what Dannie did - writing and selling books.
If you are wondering about how to start with this business, follow some simple steps below:
1.) Topic - Choose a topic. In Dannie's case, she used her emotion as a tool in writing. You can do the same also. You can write your own story or you can also write anything about your interest or passion.
2.) Outline - Create an outline. This will contain the major and minor parts of your e-book organized in bulleted form.
3.) Draft - In your draft you can fill out the major bullets in your outline. Write as much as you can and let your ideas flow. After you have done this. Let your story rest for a while. Stay away from it. Relax and do not think about it anymore. This will help you in the next step.
4.) Edit - This is one of the most crucial steps in the writing process. You have to be careful and keen. Read your work over and over again. Check your grammar and improve what needs to be improved. It will also help if you ask a friend to read it and have a second opinion.
5.) Title- The title is a challenging step. It must be simple, brief, concise and attractive - one that will magnetize the emotions of the readers.
6.) Cover and Design - Another challenging step is the cover and design making, in this part, you have to make it attractive but not complicated. It must be eye-catching.
After you have done these six steps, you can now self-publish your book with your choice of online publishing site and promote it.
E-book writing is just one of the many working from home tips you can find, there are still more. If you want to know more working from home tips, visit Google and you'll be delighted to see hundreds of them.
Rob Hillman is an Online Business enthusiast. To find out more about how to set up your online business, please visit Click here/



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