Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life
Celebrate Life
Live life king-size... everyone hears this, loves this but how many of us actually follow this? Life is the most precious thing we all have, and it is meant to be lived. A person's age should not be counted by the breaths they take but by the moments that take their breath away. Life is a celebration, celebrate it every day with your loved ones.
Some people always wait for a special occasion or a celebration to do something new, something fun. They wait to wear their best dress only on an occasion, they wait to take a vacation on an occasion, they wait to take their families out for dinner on some occasion, kids are given ice-creams and treats only when there is an occasion. If all this is associated with special occasions, why wait? Why not make an occasion out of any regular day, by doing such simple things?
I do realize it's not possible to take vacations every day, well when will you work to earn the money then? But vacations should be for relaxation, it's good to take a break when there is a festival or an occasion, but why not otherwise as well? Wearing new dress usually makes one feel pepped-up and happy (surely for all girls!), then why wait for an occasion, wear one today and make it a special day. Life is all about living to the fullest, doing what you love to do the most. That doesn't mean you should take drugs, if you love to do that. Jokes apart, but really life is meant to be lived.
Some people take too much care of themselves, that in the process, they forget to enjoy the simple joy-ride that life really is. Some people are so conscious about their health and food they eat that they almost starve themselves. Why? If everything is done in moderation and you take breaks to enjoy the little wonders life has to offer, am sure you would feel more fulfilled and happier which would reflect on your health in a positive way.
A very simple way to celebrate life is to share. Share something with others that you need. Why not start with a Smile? The moment you share a smile, you surely get one back and that smile of yours may enlighten up someone's gloomy day and bring in cheer? You didn't have to spend anything just a smile, which you instantly got back and yet it made a world of a difference in someone's life. Share your feelings, memories, happiness and sorrows with your loved ones, with your family; that way you share a part of yourself and bring them into your own world. This makes celebrating life all the more easy.



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