How to Be One of the Most Beautiful Women in the World

How to Be One of the Most Beautiful Women in the World

How to Be One of the Most Beautiful Women in the World

Some say beauty is only skin deep. Some say that everyone is beautiful because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. As women, we are taught the picture of beauty lies in the fashion magazines, on the television screen, on the billboards, and even on the runway. Over the years, I thought of myself as a cute woman, not ugly but not beautiful. Over my wise thirty years, I have come to understand that to be pretty or fine is one thing but beauty is achievable by any woman with the right lifestyle. Beauty is the combination of physical upkeep and inner growth that showcases a beautiful mind, body, and soul. Let me offer you some tips on how to be the most beautiful you that you can be.

#1 Accept that consistency is the key. 

Let go of the shortcuts that our society offers to obtain beauty. Come to terms with the fact that we can't jump into a human sized microwave and come out the most beautiful woman that we were created to be. With shortcuts we become our own beautiful reconstruction instead of the God-given beauty that we were born with. Life is a process and so is the beauty of life.

#2 Become best friends with the idea of discipline. 

The highest paid athletes are the ones who put blood, sweat, and tears into their repetitions. They practice. Practice some more and practice some more. The greatest musicians eat, sleep, and practice what they love. These are not special people that have special traits of discipline. These are people that decide to be the best by finding what works for them and then doing it over and over until it becomes them. Without the practice of discipline a beautiful and healthy body is unlikely. Without the disciplines of daily upkeep and maintenance of our bodies and our minds, we never achieve that place that we dream of. The results we seek showcase themselves after consistent application. Beautiful skin, hair, bodies, and attitudes are merely the results of continuous care and action.

#3 Be patient as you find what works for you. 

Some people meditate and pray early in the morning and some late at night. Some women continue on the search for that perfect skin care solution, makeup line, and hair care regiment until they find what works for them. Some give up and some give up before they start. There are so many options because there are so many different people in the world with all types of personalities, skin, hair, and nail textures, and body compositions. You must accept this and keep searching until you find what is for you. It took me thirty years to find the best way for my hair, skin, and nails to be beautiful. I kid you not. Now, with consistency I am pleased with my appearance and walk with an attitude of uniqueness because I found what works for me.

#4 Don't reinvent the wheel but make it your own. 

To each their own. That's what I was taught. Through my younger years, I frustrated myself to no resolve by trying to be someone else. Then on the other extreme when I decided to embrace my individuality I tried to change the basics. Either way my only result was frustration and poor results. We all have to apply the basics of health in our minds, bodies, and souls. It's inevitable. We all have to eat. We all have to exercise. We all have to consistently maintain an upkeep schedule. We all have to take control of our thoughts and emotions daily. We are different yet the same. We put on our pantyhose the same way. We just choose to wear them with different ensembles. Maintaining your beauty requires your own routine that must involve the basics.

#5 Learn to give yourself a break! 

First, how can any woman be beautiful when she's stressed out all the time? People not only see beauty but they hear it in your speech and in your walk. They see it in your interaction with others. It's not just how you look but so much more than that. So, give yourself a break and just be. Keep applying the principles and keep embarking upon your purpose in life. The combination of both will reflect your inner beauty which will catapult your motivation to maintain your outer beauty. They all work together. What woman is more beautiful than the one who has a wonderful balance of her total being's togetherness? Each puzzle piece is needed to complete the beautiful picture.
Nikki Cates Hayes is the CEO of Manage Ur LIfe and a Mompreneur raising four daughters with her husband in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a teen mother who has created an empowering business model off of her experiences and wisdom in life management, personal growth, self awareness, and the achievement of happiness as a young woman, wife, mother, and female business owner. She is also the owner of a Virtual Assisting and Lifestyle Management service that seeks to assist women in taking control of their lives and careers. To learn more about Nikki Cates Hayes and Manage UR Life visit her on the Web at [Click here/].



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